Bachelor of Theology (B.Th.)

Duration: 3 Years

The Bachelor of Theology is a three years degree program accredited by Asia Theological Association (ATA) offered through our residential study. The purpose of the B.Th program is to prepare students for pastoral leadership in the congregation and other church-related institutions. Also this program provides students with the general knowledge of the biblical tradition, appreciate the Asian heritage and historical context, develop a clear understanding of pastoral identity and demonstrate leadership both in the religious and community life.


  • To provide a firm foundation in Biblical teachings .
  • To inculcate a positive attitude towards the practical issues of the society with a true Christian perspective.
  • To awaken and edify the hidden skills in diversified fields of study.
  • To expose them to various trends of Christian Mission and evangelism.
  • To train them to defend their Christian commitment and take active part in mobilizing the people for Christian ministry.

Admission Requirements

  1. Any born again Christian, irrespective of denomination living in India, who has a passion to study God’s Word can apply.
  1. The candidate must have successfully completed the pre-University course (12th grade) or its equivalent.
  1. The candidate will have to pass an entrance examination in basic English, the Bible and General Knowledge.
  1. The candidate will have to be recommended/ sponsored by a Church/ or a Para-church organization.

Application and Registration

  1. Application forms and prospectus can be obtained on payment of Rs.200/-; the last date to receive the filled in application is on the 31st of April.
  1. Application after the due date will be considered with a late fee of Rs.50/- up to the 30th of May.
  1. Each student admitted will be given a Registration number and will be expected to complete B.Th program in three years from the year of registration. Extension of one year shall be considered if there is a valid reason and by paying the continuing fees.

Classes, Practical Work and Exams

  1. This a residential program conducted on the campus of BIHER. Classes are conducted from Monday to Friday between 8:30 am to 4:00 pm. with a chapel service and lunch break. Students must attend all the classes scheduled for them. Attendance is recorded for each period of class.
  1. Attending the chapel service and other practical work is a compulsory requirement and part of the training.
  1. During the academic days, students are expected to concentrate on their studies and maintain good marks. Those who do not show interest in studies and fail in the exams will be asked to leave the institution after evaluation.
  1. The Academic Dean must approve request for leave, to be absent from class or practical work.
  1. Exams for the first and second semester will be conducted in November and March. Those who have failed in papers can re-write the exam paying the fees.
  1. Students will be eligible to receive the degree after completing all the requirements and clearing the fees. The faculty evaluation committee will evaluate each student and make recommendation to the Board.