BIHER exists to serve the Church in equipping the called and the committed with Word-centered scholastic information and relevant skills in practical ministry. We develop them as leaders exuding Christ-like character to disciple the nations and bring transformation in the society.
We want to see dynamic transformational churches in every village, town and city of India; ministered by committed, competent, mature, Christ-like mission leaders, at all seasons ready to passionately engage in discipling the nation and initiating transformational movements in the Church and society.
- Passion for God and people – To inculcate a strong feeling of love for God and people, becoming models of what it means to be preoccupied with the things of God.
- Biblical authority – The Bible, the revealed Word of God, is the foundation and authority for life and ministry.
- Servant leadership – It involves the process of imbibing the mind of Christ that endures to influence others by serving Him.
- Personal and academic integrity – We strive to see truth and honesty permeating every area of one’s personal life and academics.
- Christ-like Character – The goal of our education process is to see the mind of Christ permeating the core of every student, being evidenced by the fruits of the Spirit.
- Christ-centered and missional – We believe that the church, even the body of Christ, is the vehicle through which the mission of God is carried out into the world.
- Evangelical – It involves the “Christ event” as the core of life and ministry.
- Committed to transformational leadership – We are dedicated to build Christian values in leaders who would in turn transform others.
- Spiritual formation – We harness all our efforts to form life and ministry empowered by the Holy Spirit.
- Priesthood of all believers – We believe that every believer should involve in the priestly function of intercession for others and cultivate kingdom mindedness.
- Developing competency in Biblical languages for sound exposition of the Word – Great emphasis is given to develop competency in biblical Hebrew and Greek to equip the students to do sound exposition of the Word.
- Holistic and mission focused curriculum for academic excellence – The curriculum gives holistic approach enduring to build academic excellence.
- Providing opportunities for spiritual growth and maturity – The students are given sufficient tailor made opportunities for spiritual growth and maturity.
- Identifying, developing and sharpening spiritual gifts – We endeavour to identify, develop, and sharpen spiritual gifts so that the leaders would serve the Lord effectively.
- The Holy Bible is the inspired, infallible word of God (2Tim.3: 16; 2 Pet.1: 20-21).
- God is one, eternally existent in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. In Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His deity, His sinless human life, miraculous works, His vicarious and atoning sacrificial death, His resurrection, His ascension and glorification and in His personal second coming to the earth.
- Jesus Christ is the only way to God (Jn14: 6; Acts 4:12).
- The Holy Spirit is the third person in the Godhead, our Counselor and Helper. The Holy Spirit is given to the church to empower her to fulfill the great commission and to live victoriously. Therefore, the manifestation of the Holy Spirit through the gift of grace will continue till the end of the age when Jesus will return to rule the world.
- The fall and depravity of all human beings, the only hope of redemption is by the grace of God through faith in the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
- The believer’s baptism in water by immersion and the observance of the Lord’s Supper in accordance with the commandment of our Lord Jesus Christ.
- The living of a holy life in obedience to the commandment and under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
- True faith is evidenced through our God honoring deeds toward our fellow human beings and toward all of God’s creation.
- The one universal church as the body of Christ, and that believers individually are members of it.
- The priesthood and ministry of all believers in the church.
- The resurrection of all the dead: some to eternal life and some to eternal damnation.
Our Mission:
“Equipping Christ’s Chosen People to Fulfillthe Great Command & the Great Commission.”