sam Dear Students:

Welcome to Berachah Institute of Higher Education and Research!
All of us here at BIHER are pleased to learn of your interest in theological studies. We are delighted that you are seeking to prepare yourself for service in God’s harvest field. We trust you will identify a programme of study to help you prepare for God’s call in your life.

BIHER is a place where Lives Are Changed, Character Is Shaped, and Purpose Is Found. Both inside and outside of the classroom, the College is committed to helping you achieve your full potential to the glory of God.

We trust you will get involved with all that our campus has to offer, both inside and outside the classroom. This has affectionately become known as the BIHER Experience. Defined, this consists of academic programs infused with biblical content; meaningful relationships between faculty, staff and students; and a campus environment conducive to spiritual and personal growth.

BIHER was founded to serve you and our world through the Church. Our mission statement captures the heartbeat of our campus and summarizes our focus in these words: “Equipping Christ chosen people to fulfil God’s great command and commission

We, in Administration, faculty and staff, are excited about having an expanded community of learning and faith. Your presence in the classroom is an important signal that you want to be more immersed in God’s Word, have a desire to grapple with issues in ministry, concerned with building the Church, and want to have a better understanding of God’s Kingdom, as well as see God’s hand moving in God’s world and in your life. We attempt to be relentless in insisting on the best for you. We have not only recruited the best faculty and staff possible, but also intend to make your learning experience one that expands your personal horizons, your capacity for ministry, and your potential for all that God intends for you to be. Do not hesitate to let us know of your learning needs. Also, point others to us because Berachah Institute of Higher Education and Research is not just a college, but a Kingdom movement.

I hope this catalogue will serve you well as you make critical decisions regarding your education. If you like what you see here, I hope you will decide to make a trip to campus and meet the BIHER family. I look forward to meeting you and assisting you in achieving your educational goals.

Your servant in God’s mission,

Dr. Sam Abraham